Hello hello, I'm Sarah Asip. I am a systems designer and strategist living in Brooklyn.
I currently work alongside the intelligent humans at SYPartners, a hard-to-categorize consultancy taking on some of the most complex problems facing businesses and organizations today. I collaborate with internal stakeholders across SYP, as well as leadership within our client's orgs, to create clarity through design. From designing brand systems, to synthesizing research, to strategizing, designing, and activating a global corporation's new mission and values, I always bring a collaborative and systems oriented approach to my work.
With a former career as a corporate paralegal, and a BA in Philosophy and Political Science, I enjoy how much curiosity, questioning, and listening are required in my work as a designer. I have a particular passion for systems design, brand design and strategy, product design, content strategy, narrative storytelling, typographic systems, and clarity in information design. I am interested in how design can create or participate in dialogue, something I find essential to personal and cultural growth.
I can be reached by email at saasip@gmail.com and you can find my resume here.
Also, I read a lot. I'm always reading a few books at a time and love how books on subjects entirely unrelated to design provide inspiration and expand my thinking. Some of my favorite design books, however, are pictured here.

The design books I continuously return to for inspiration: "Design Language - Tom McCreight, "Ways of Seeing" - John Berger, "The Power of Myth" - Joseph Campbell, "The Elements of Typographic Style" - Robert Bringhurst, "From Lascaux to Brooklyn" - Paul Rand, "Design Form and Chaos" - Paul Rand, "Photo Design" - Harald Mante, "Grid Systems in Graphic Design" - Josef Muller-Brockmann.