Malala Fund | Content Strategy, UX/UI, Website Design
As part of an ongoing engagement between Language Dept. and Malala Fund, I recently worked on rethinking Malala Fund's Donate and Ways To Support pages.
More coming soon!

Redesigned Malala Fund Donate Page

Key features on Malala Fund Donate page
In order to increase engagement and conversion on the donate page, we identified the most important types of information potential donors seek out before making their decision to donate: what is the problem Malala Fund is addressing? How is Malala Fund addressing the problem? and what is my donation going to do to help Malala Fund address that problem? From auditing the entire site, we found that these questions were not answered directly or comprehensively enough. This became a priority for the new donate page--to design a page that could answer all of the new donor's questions while being concise and direct enough for recurring donors to not be burdened by unnecessary information.

Snapshot of our process: information audit of existing site

Beyond financial support, Malala Fund wants to foster a community of support for girls education. To encourage ongoing connection to the work, we combined the concept of a "Get Involved" and a "Ways to Give" page by consolidating all ways to support into a single funnel, now easily discoverable through navigation.